McDonalds Financial Statement and Financial Ratios Analysis

McDonalds Financial Statements and Financial Ratios Analyzed

🚀 Unpack McDonald’s 2023 Financial Ingredients Like a Pro! 📊

McDonald’s 2023 Beginner’s Guide Introduction:

Hello, finance enthusiasts! Are you eager to dissect the financial recipe behind McDonald’s success in 2023? Step into the world of “McDonald’s 2023: Beginner’s Guide to Financial Analysis,” your go-to resource from Quality Business Consultant, crafted by finance expert Paul Borosky, MBA. This guide is more than just a financial read; it’s your roadmap to understanding the fiscal framework of one of the fast-food industry’s giants!

Why You’ll Love This Guide:

  • Expert Guidance from a Finance Whiz: 🎓 Paul Borosky, MBA, leads you through the financial intricacies to help you analyze McDonald’s in 2023, brought to you by Quality Business Consultant.
  • Deep Dive into McDonald’s Finances: 📉 Explore McDonald's comprehensive income statements and balance sheets for 2023, getting a taste of the company’s financial health.
  • In-Depth Financial Ratio Analysis: 🧮 Get to grips with over twenty essential financial ratios to analyze McDonald’s financial performance.
  • Simplified Financial Concepts: 📚 Our “In other words” sections break down complex financial terms, making them digestible and engaging.
  • Tailored Analysis Tips: 💡 Benefit from Paul’s professional analysis tips to hone your financial investigation skills, applicable in various settings.
  • Further Analysis with Extended Insights: 🔍 For a detailed financial overview, opt for our “Financial Analysis & Report,” which offers an in-depth look at McDonald’s, combining AI-driven insights with Paul Borosky’s experienced analysis.

Guide Highlights:

  • A welcoming Legal Disclaimer.
  • An engaging Forward that sets the stage for your financial journey.
  • Detailed examination of Income Statements and Balance Sheets for 2023.
  • Extensive coverage of financial ratios will guide your analytical path.
  • A full menu of financial insights awaits!

Table of Contents Sneak Peek:

  • Income Statement Exploration: Sifting through revenue, expenses, and more.
  • Balance Sheet Analysis: Delving into assets, liabilities, and equity – the financial pillars.
  • Financial Ratios Decoded: Equipping you to evaluate McDonald’s financial health.

Who’s This For?

Ideal for keen business students and aspiring entrepreneurs, this guide will be your faithful companion in quickly navigating McDonald’s financial aspects.

Get Your Guide:

Elevate your financial literacy with “McDonald’s 2023: Beginner’s Guide to Financial Analysis.” Transform financial data into your strategic asset.

Additional Note: This guide aims to establish a solid understanding of fundamental financial principles, focusing on income statements, balance sheets, and the significant financial ratios for their analysis. It offers a summarized snapshot of McDonald’s financials, providing specific data, calculations, and ratios for your analytical pursuits. While the guide equips you with the necessary tools, the in-depth analysis journey is yours. Our “Financial Analysis & Report” delivers comprehensive insights, melding AI accuracy with Paul Borosky, MBA’s analytical expertise for those seeking a detailed, company-specific financial overview.


Paul, MBA.

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McDonald's 2023 Beginner's Guide to Financial Analysis

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McDonalds 2022 Financial Report by Paul Borosky, MBA.

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Sample Financial Report

Sample Financial Report by Paul Borosky, MBA.
Financial Report Sample 2

McDonald’s Company Summary

McDonald’s is a global leader in the fast-food industry, renowned for its unparalleled brand recognition and expansive network.  Founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, California, the company now operates over 39,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries, serving approximately 69 million customers daily.  McDonald’s menu features a variety of items, including the iconic Big Mac, Happy Meals, and a range of beverages, along with localized cuisine in various countries.  The company primarily operates through franchisees, contributing significantly to its global reach.  McDonald’s has also embraced digital innovation, offering mobile ordering and home delivery services.  Its commitment to sustainability, evident through initiatives like renewable energy usage and responsible sourcing, further strengthens its position.  Through consistent quality, strategic growth, and adaptability, McDonald’s has solidified its status as a trailblazer in the fast-food industry (7/23).

McDonald’s Financial Report Sources

“McDonald’s 2022 Financial Statements and Financial Ratios: Defined, Discussed, and Analyzed for 5 Years” was written by Paul Borosky, MBA., Doctoral Candidate and owner of Quality Business Plan.  In this summarized book, the author researched McDonald’s 10k, McDonald’s 2019 10k annual report, McDonald’s 2016 10k annual report, McDonald’s 2021 10k annual report, and McDonald’s 2019 10k annual report as the basis for information gathering.  Once all of McDonald’s 10k annual statements were collected, the author then inserted McDonald’s income statement information and McDonald’s balance sheet information into a customized financial template. 


Section 1: McDonald’s Income Statement Analyzed

In this section, I provide a broad definition of an income statement and explain why it is essential. I then discuss and define income statement line items, such as revenues, gross profits, etc., in detail. After each line item is defined and discussed, I finally offer a summary analysis of McDonald’s significant income statement line item trends from 2018 to 2023.

McDonald’s 2023 Summary Income Statement

Column1 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019  
Revenues                 25,494                 23,183                 23,223                 19,207                  21,364  
COGS                   3,039                   2,723                   3,097                   2,564                    2,980  
Gross Profit                 22,455                 20,460                 20,126                 16,643                  18,384  
SG&A                   2,435                   2,492                   2,378                   2,245                    1,966  
Depreciation                   1,978                   1,871                   1,868                   1,751                    1,617  
R & D                          -                          -                          -                          -                           -  
Other                          -                          -                          -                          -                           -  
Total Operating Expenses                 13,847                 13,812                 12,867                 11,884                  12,007  
EBIT                 11,647                   9,371                 10,356                   7,324                    9,069  
Other Income                          -                          -                          -                          -                           -  
Interest Expense                   1,361                   1,207                   1,186                   1,218                    1,121
EBT                 10,522                   7,825                   9,128                   6,140                    8,018  
Taxes                   2,053                   1,648                   1,583                   1,410                    1,992  
Net Income                   8,469                   6,177                   7,545                   4,730                    6,025  


Revenue Growth:

They analyzed McDonald’s revenue from 2018 to 2022, which shows fluctuating growth patterns.  In 2018, the revenue was $21,257 million, with a slight increase to $21,364 million in 2019, indicating a growth of 0.5%.  However, 2020 saw a significant decline, with revenues dropping to $19,207 million, a 10.1% decrease, likely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The company rebounded strongly in 2021, with revenues climbing to $23,223 million, marking a substantial 20.9% growth.  In 2022, McDonald’s revenues slightly decreased to $23,183 million, a marginal decline of 0.2%.

Analyst Grade: B-

Importance of McDonald’s Income Statement Analysis for Financial Analysis

For several compelling reasons, analyzing McDonald’s income statement is paramount in financial analysis.  The income statement offers a comprehensive view of the company’s financial performance over a specific period, typically a quarter or a year, by detailing its revenues, expenses, and profitability.

First and foremost, it allows financial analysts to assess McDonald’s ability to generate revenue, manage costs, and ultimately achieve profitability.  Analysts can gauge the company’s operational efficiency and effectiveness by scrutinizing sales, operating expenses, and net income.

Furthermore, the income statement aids in identifying trends and patterns in McDonald’s revenue streams and expense categories, shedding light on how well the company adapts to changing market conditions and consumer preferences.

Moreover, it is instrumental in calculating key financial ratios like the gross and net profit margins, providing valuable insights into McDonald’s profitability and cost management strategies.

Overall, the income statement serves as a cornerstone for informed decision-making, enabling stakeholders to evaluate McDonald’s financial health, assess its competitive position, and formulate effective strategies for future growth and sustainability in the highly competitive fast-food industry.

Section 2: McDonald’s Balance Sheet Analyzed

I again go through each vital line item from the balance sheet for McDonald’s balance sheet.  In reviewing each line item, I will define McDonald’s balance sheet line items, such as cash, property, plant and equipment, and liabilities.  Next, I will analyze McDonald’s balance sheet line items.

McDonald’s 2023 Summary Balance Sheet

Column1 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Cash                     4,579                 2,584                 4,709                 3,449                    898
Short Term Investment                           -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Account Receivable                     2,488                 2,115                 1,872                 2,110                 2,224
Inventory                          53                      52                      56                      51                      50
Other                           -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Current Assets                     7,986                 5,424                 7,149                 6,243                 3,557
Net PPE                  24,908              23,774              24,721              24,958              24,160
Goodwill                 2,783                 2,773                 2,677
Other                       -                       -
Total Assets                  56,147              50,436              53,854              52,626              47,510
Accounts Payable                     1,103                    980                 1,007                    741                    988
Accrued Expense                     1,434                 1,237                 1,347                 1,138                 1,035
Accrued Taxes                        973                    530                    597                    968                    578
Notes Payable                           -                       -                       -                       -
LT Debt - Current                           -                       -                       -                 2,243                      59
Other                           -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Total Current Liabilities                     6,859                 3,802                 4,020                 6,181                 3,621
LT Debt                  37,153              35,904              35,623              35,196              34,118
Other                           -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Total Liabilities                  60,854              56,439              58,455              44,802              39,300
Common Stock                     8,910                 8,564                 8,248                 7,903                 7,653
Treasury                (74,640)            (71,624)            (67,810)            (67,066)            (66,328)
Retained Earnings                  63,480              59,544              57,535              53,908              52,930
Other                           -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Total Equity                   (4,707)               (6,003)               (4,601)               (7,824)               (8,210)
Total Equity & Liability                  56,147              50,436              53,854              52,626              47,510

Cash: McDonald’s cash as a percentage of sales from 2018 to 2022 shows significant changes.  In 2018 and 2019, the cash percentage of sales was relatively low at 4.1% and 4.2%, respectively, with cash balances of $866 million and $898 million.  There was a substantial increase in 2020, with cash representing 18.0% of sales ($3,449 million), likely due to increased liquidity measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This trend continued in 2021, with cash comprising an even higher 20.3% of sales ($4,709 million).  However, in 2022, there was a notable decrease to 11.1% of sales, with a cash balance of $2,584 million.

The cash as a percentage of total assets also shows a similar trend, increasing from 2.6% in 2018 to 8.7% in 2021 before dropping to 5.1% in 2022.

Grade: A- - This analysis highlights McDonald’s ability to significantly boost its liquidity during the pandemic.  The decrease in 2022 suggests a normalization or strategic use of the accumulated cash reserves.

Importance of Coca-Cola’s Balance Sheet for Financial Analysis

McDonald’s balance sheet analysis is a fundamental financial analysis component that is of significant importance for various reasons.  The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the company’s financial position at a specific time, offering a detailed breakdown of its assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.

First, it allows financial analysts to assess McDonald’s liquidity and solvency.  By examining the composition of assets and liabilities, analysts can determine the company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations and overall financial stability.  For example, if McDonald’s has more current assets than current liabilities, it suggests a healthier short-term financial position.

Next, the balance sheet aids in evaluating McDonald’s capital structure, revealing the proportion of debt and equity financing.  This information is crucial for assessing the company’s risk profile and long-term financial stability.

Finally, changes in the balance sheet over time can indicate trends in McDonald’s financial health, such as increasing or decreasing debt levels or shifts in asset composition.

In summary, McDonald’s balance sheet analysis is essential for understanding the company’s financial strength, risk exposure, and capacity to weather economic challenges, making it a critical tool in financial analysis.

Section 3: McDonald’s Financial Ratio Summary

For this section, I have chosen several different financial ratios to review for McDonald’s Inc.  In reviewing McDonald’s financial ratios, I first define the financial ratio.  Next, I supply the financial formula for calculating the specific ratio.  Finally, I offer a brief analysis of McDonald’s Important Financial ratios. 

Sample: McDonald’s Total Asset Turnover

The total asset turnover ratio for McDonald’s from 2018 to 2022 indicates how efficiently the company uses its assets to generate sales.  In 2018, the ratio was relatively high at 0.65, suggesting effective asset use.  However, in 2019, it decreased to 0.45, indicating a reduction in efficiency.  In 2020, the ratio decreased to 0.36, likely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  There was a slight improvement in 2021 to 0.43; in 2022, the ratio increased again to 0.46.

Grade: C+ - The fluctuation in the total asset turnover ratio over these years suggests varying levels of asset utilization efficiency at McDonald’s.  Given the pandemic, the decrease in 2020 is understandable, but the recovery in 2021 and 2022 indicates efforts to improve efficiency.  However, the ratio is still lower than the 2018 level, indicating room for improvement in asset utilization.

Importance of McDonald’s Financial Ratios for Financial Analysis

The utilization of financial ratios in analyzing McDonald’s financial performance is paramount for several compelling reasons.  These ratios distill complex financial information into digestible metrics that offer critical insights into the company’s operations and overall financial health.

Financial ratios allow analysts to assess McDonald’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency.  Metrics such as the return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and gross profit margin helps gauge how effectively McDonald’s generates profits and manages its resources.  These ratios enable meaningful comparisons with industry peers and historical data, providing context and revealing trends.  By benchmarking against competitors, analysts can identify McDonald’s relative strengths and areas for improvement.

Finally, financial ratios assist in investment decision-making by assessing the company’s risk profile and ability to meet short-term and long-term obligations.  Debt-to-equity and interest coverage ratios offer insights into McDonald’s financial stability.

In conclusion, McDonald’s financial ratios are indispensable for investors, analysts, and stakeholders.  They guide informed decision-making, assess the company’s financial well-being, and help understand its competitive position in the dynamic and highly competitive fast-food industry.